Tuesday, September 25, 2012

images for fishing game

The fishing game is a go ahead at:
Come out and Play
Saturday, December 1 from 12pm-5pm
Sunday, December 2 from 12pm-5pm 
at Victoria Manolo Draves Park

Hopefully, these images will be uses in the 
fishing game app (if  I can figure out the
javascript code)!!!!!

Installation Origami Landscape 410 Georgia St Vallejo

Here is a sketch for the installation that will be
 completed Friday September 28

The installation will be completely done with origami
figures including : fish, crab, flowers, birds and rabbits.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Soft Block Prototypes

Olive, my mother made these, just before she passed in April:

I have since completed these:


I am in the process of starting my company through
as a Venture Greenhouse Affiliate through Dominican
University of San Rafael, Women's Initiative and The
filed the fictitious  business paper work using the name
The UpCycle Factory. The Canal Alliance is helping 
find artisans in the neighborhood to help me fabricate
the toys. I hope to have lines of animals including:
endangered species, extinct, pollinators and 
composers. Each line of toys will include the fabric, 
wooden, cardboardand paper(all recycled materials)  
toys plus a board game  (also available as a pdf 
download)  and a app game.
Hopefully I will also have some doll houses and some
other animals or shapes that may or may not be
 included in an entire line. I did not get in the Mill Valley
 Crafts Fair for this year, but I am looking into Marinwood 
and Vallejo Farmers Markets. I will test out a fishing game
 made with origami at The Excelsior Street Sunday (Oct 21)  
and Come Out & Play festival weekend of December 1-2 
at SomaArts. In addition, I will have a installation at 410 
Georgia st in Vallejo going up in a few weeks.
Currently am a creating drawings of animals that I will next
make pattern pieces for. I am also looking into thriftshop 
cast-offs for materials and freecycle.